The Art of Feature Writing in Journalism: Crafting Compelling Stories

The Elements of Feature Writing in Journalism

Feature articles usually showcase aspects of life or experiences that readers can relate to. To create a successful feature article, the journalist must understand the essential elements involved.Research: Feature stories are usually based on real-life experiences and events. Consequently, a journalist needs to have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter. Proper research is key to gathering the necessary information that will form the crux of the feature story. Research could involve conducting interviews, reviewing documents, analyzing statistics, and exploring historical events associated with the subject.Interviews: conducting interviews is a crucial part of writing feature articles. Interviews help bring the story to life by providing insights into the experiences of those involved in the story. Journalists can interview experts on the topic or people who have had significant experiences related to the subject to infuse the article with insight depth.Narrative Skill: Feature writing is all about storytelling. The journalist must have a great narrative skill to craft engaging stories that leave the readers on edge. The narrative should follow a particular structure: a compelling lead, a strong nut graph, a solid quote, and a powerful ending. Style: A Feature article should not be written like a standard news article. There is no particular formula to follow, but a unique, personal style makes the article stand out from the crowd. Creative writing skill is a must for an excellent feature writer.

How to Write a Feature Story

Writing a feature story requires the ability to tell a story creatively with a human touch. The following guidelines should be followed when writing feature stories:Select a topic: Choose a topic that you find interesting and that you believe your readers would find compelling. The topic should be relevant and meaningful. An excellent topic for a feature story is one that delves into human experiences.Research and gather information: Research is paramount in feature writing. Conducting interviews and gathering information from credible sources should be done to get the necessary information to develop and frame the story.Develop a narrative: In developing the story narrative, the journalist has the opportunity to get creative and showcase narrative skills. Ensuring the story has a strong lead that can pique the reader's interest, with solid quotes, and a powerful closing statement.Edit and revise: Once the feature story is complete, it's essential to read it through, proofread, and look out for errors. Revise and edit the article to make it engaging, informative, and thought-provoking.

The Future of Feature Writing in Journalism

Feature writing continues to be a crucial part of journalism, with a compelling story continuing to be the backbone of excellent journalism. Though the internet and social media are changing the way journalism is consumed, feature stories remain valuable. With many quality feature writing opportunities presented by new media and the vast array of resources available, the future of feature writing in journalism is bright.In conclusion, feature writing in journalism is a crucial aspect of writing. Feature stories delve deeper into a topic than traditional news articles do and provide context and insight through a storytelling lens. A good feature story immerses readers in the story, leading to increased engagement. Understanding the elements of feature writing, knowing how to write compelling feature stories, and understanding the future of feature writing in journalism is crucial for writers to succeed in this particular niche.

The Importance of Strong Lead Paragraphs in Feature Writing

A strong lead paragraph is crucial in capturing the reader's attention and setting the tone for the rest of the feature. The opening sentence should be powerful and insightful, conveying the core message of the story in a way that engages readers. A lead paragraph should provide context and inform readers about the subject of the article. In feature writing, there are many ways to approach a lead paragraph. Some writers start with a startling fact or quote, while others use a descriptive image or a philosophical statement to outline the article's premise.

The Role of Detailed Research in Feature Writing

One of the essential elements of feature writing is thorough research. Before writing the article, it's essential to conduct in-depth research on the subject to obtain an accurate, comprehensive, and unbiased understanding of the topic. This research may include reading books, scouring the internet, watching documentaries, and conducting interviews with experts on the subject. A good feature writer knows that detailed research is critical to producing an informative and captivating story.

Interviews with Compelling Subjects

One of the hallmarks of feature writing is the use of interviews to add depth and insight into the article's subject matter. A skilled feature writer knows how to ask engaging questions that draw out intriguing responses from the interviewee. The interviewee's responses must be used to create a narrative that helps the reader connect with the subject. Additionally, writers should use quotes from the interviewee throughout the article to add weight and credibility to the story.

The Use of Storytelling Techniques

As mentioned earlier, the best feature writers utilize storytelling techniques to bring their subjects to life. These techniques include the use of dialogue, scene-setting, and descriptive language. Dialogue is an effective way to show the readers how the characters in the story interact with each other and what motivates them. Scene-setting provides the reader with a context for the action, and descriptive writing gives readers a visual representation of the subject. When used correctly, these techniques can greatly contribute to the article's overall impact.

The Importance of Structure and Pacing

Structure and pacing are two other factors that affect a feature article's success. The writer must carefully consider the sequence of events, the order in which they are presented, and the balance of tension and resolution to keep the reader interested. Structuring the article in a cohesive and logical manner and pacing the information flow takes practice and experience.

Mastering These Elements to Become a Great Feature Writer

Mastering the art of feature writing in journalism involves more than just learning the basics of news writing. It requires an understanding of specific elements, such as strong lead paragraphs, detailed research, interviews with compelling subjects, storytelling techniques, and proper structure and pacing. By honing these skills and practicing them consistently, writers can connect emotionally with readers and share stories that are enriching, informative, and ultimately memorable. Feature writers with experience, expertise, authoritativeness and credentials know how to use these elements to create masterpieces that resonate with readers and can be used to influence people's attitudes and opinions. In conclusion, mastering the art of feature writing in journalism starts with understanding the core elements of great feature writing. By using the tips and techniques discussed in this article, writers can take their writing to the next level and create articles that impact and resonate with their readers. A great feature writer can connect with readers, inform them about important issues, and entertain them with captivating stories that stay with them long after they're done reading.

Narrative Arcs

In feature writing, a narrative arc refers to the way the story unfolds, with a beginning, middle, and end. The writer uses this structure to lead the reader through the story, introducing characters and conflicts, building tension, and ultimately resolving the conflict. The most effective narrative arcs have a clear emotional throughline that connects the reader to the story in a deep and meaningful way. Examples of narrative arcs in journalism include profiles of individuals, human interest stories, and investigative reports.

Character Development

One of the keys to effective feature writing is developing compelling characters that the reader cares about. This requires the writer to think beyond the surface-level details and explore the thoughts, motivations, and emotions of the characters in the story. By doing so, the writer can create characters that are relatable, flawed, and ultimately human. The best feature writers use character development to connect the reader to the story on a personal level, drawing them in and immersing them in the world of the story.


Pacing is another essential storytelling technique that feature writers use to keep the reader engaged. Pacing refers to the speed at which the story unfolds, with writers using a variety of techniques to speed up or slow down the action as needed. Effective pacing can create tension, build anticipation, and keep the reader invested in the story. Pacing is particularly important in longer features, where the writer must maintain the reader's interest over several thousand words.

The Power of Storytelling in Journalism

At its core, journalism is about truth-telling and shining a light on important issues. While breaking news stories are essential to informing the public, feature writing offers a unique opportunity to explore the nuances and complexities of a topic in a way that goes beyond the headlines. By using storytelling techniques like narrative arcs, character development, and pacing, feature writers can create compelling narratives that move readers emotionally and inspire them to action.

Feature writing can be a powerful tool for bringing about change by humanizing complex issues and connecting the reader to the individuals impacted by them. By telling stories that foster empathy and understanding, feature writers can help shape public opinion and drive meaningful social and political change.

In conclusion, storytelling is an essential aspect of feature writing in journalism. Through the use of narrative arcs, character development, pacing, and other techniques, writers can create compelling stories that move readers emotionally and inspire them to action. In a world where breaking news dominates headlines, feature writing offers a unique opportunity to explore the nuances and complexities of a topic, bringing about deeper understanding and meaningful change.

Conducting Research for Feature Writing in Journalism

As an expert in feature writing in journalism, I can attest to the importance of conducting thorough research before writing a feature. Research not only helps you uncover interesting and unique angles, but it also allows you to present data and facts to back up your claims. Below are tips on how to conduct research to write a compelling feature:

Identify Your Angle and Sources

It is crucial to identify your angle before starting research. Knowing the specific topic you wish to cover will help you focus your research efforts on relevant sources. It also allows you to determine the type of sources you need to consult, such as interviews, statistics, or archival materials. Once you have identified your angle and sources, you can begin to research and gather the information you need.

Conducting Interviews

Interviews are a crucial source of information for feature writing in journalism. They provide an opportunity to gather firsthand accounts and opinions from individuals with expertise or experience in the subject you are covering. When conducting interviews, make sure to create a list of questions ahead of time that are relevant to your feature's angle. Respect your interviewee's time and always ask if you can record the conversation. Be an active listener and follow up with any additional questions or clarifications. After the interview, transcribe your notes accurately, making sure to verify any spellings or quotes with your source.


Fact-checking is a critical stage of feature writing. Verify all the information you have gathered from your sources, including data and quotes. Make sure to double-check any statistics or figures you use and to attribute any quotes correctly. You should also ensure that your sources are reliable and trustworthy.

Online Research

The internet offers an extensive range of resources for research, but it can be challenging to navigate. Ensure that you are using reliable sources and that the information you find is accurate. Fact-check any online sources just as you would for print sources. Websites that end in the domain ".gov" or ".edu" are typically more trustworthy than ".com" sites.

Organizing Your Research

Organize your notes and research materials in a way that is easy to access and refer back to as you write. Consider creating a data spreadsheet for any statistics or figures you use and summarizing key takeaways from your interviews in a separate document. Doing so will help you to make sense of the information you have gathered and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed as you write.In conclusion, conducting research is crucial to writing a compelling feature in journalism. Start by identifying your angle and sources, conduct interviews and fact-check all your information. Always remember to use reliable and accurate sources, not just from the internet, and organize your notes. By following these tips, you should be able to produce a feature that is informative, engaging and credible.

Interviewing Techniques for Feature Writing in Journalism

Journalists are storytellers. They seek out the facts, gather evidence, and write headlines that grab readers' attention. One of the most critical skills in their toolkit is the ability to conduct an effective interview. An interview serves as an invaluable tool for a journalist to shape their story further. In feature writing, interviews can provide perspective, help develop character, and uncover essential details that breathe life into a piece. Here are some interviewing techniques that every journalist should master to incorporate riveting interviews in features.

Prepare for the Interview

Preparing before an interview is crucial for a robust feature article. This involves researching your subject extensively to understand their background, perspective, and views on the topic. Research enables journalists to ask more informed questions, which will elicit more insightful responses. Refining the interview’s objective and framing the questions with a list of topics to cover is helpful when preparing. Additionally, coming up with a list of potential sequencing of questions can provide direction for the interview and reduce time wastage.

Active Listening and Recording

Active listening is a vital skill that a journalist must possess. During interviews, being attentive to the subject's responses, and listening with an open mind will lead to more in-depth follow-up questions. This also helps in identifying new angles or broader perspectives that should be covered in the piece. Additionally, using a recording device to capture the interview can be helpful in reviewing the responses later and transcribing quotes accurately. However, it is critical to ask permission before beginning to record and to ensure that the equipment is of high quality.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

During interviews, journalists should avoid asking closed questions that elicit a simple “yes” or “no” response. Instead, open-ended questions encourage in-depth responses with vivid detail. Open-ended questions require subjects to expand on their answers, giving new insights or a broader perspective on the topic. For example, “Tell me about…” or “How do you feel about…” questions can prompt rich responses.

Ensure Accuracy of Quotes

Quotes are an essential component of a feature story. They convey a person's perspective and help delineate the story's narrative. However, it is vital to ensure their accuracy before including them in the final piece. This involves reviewing and confirming quotes with the source and verifying that they reflect the subject's intended meaning. Additionally, quoting sources accurately can build trust among readers by showcasing the journalist's commitment to their craft.

Be Adaptable

Finally, in an interview, unexpected scenarios may unfold regardless of your planning. A journalist must be flexible, adapt, and remain present in unpredictable situations. This requires being open-minded and open to new ideas that may emerge. It is helpful to maintain professionalism, even if the interview takes an uncomfortable turn, and to remain open to learning from the subject's perspective.


Interviewing is a fine art of journalism that requires tact, skill, and experience. Conducting effective interviews can determine the quality of a feature story and set it apart from the rest. Challenging yourself to ask the right questions, listen carefully, and be adaptable to changes in the conversation will lead to more remarkable results. The tips provided in this article can serve as a roadmap for aspiring journalists to conduct successful interviews and create more engaging features.

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